Aged Care

Thank You for Working in Aged Care

Celebrating aged care workers

We’re celebrating the annual Thank You for Working in Aged Care Week from 8 – 14 September this year. 

As the union for aged care workers, we see how much heart and effort you put into caring for your residents, often going above and beyond what’s recognised. We’re here to make sure you’re respected, valued, and supported in the vital work you do.

Thanks to your collective power, we’ve secured some wins in aged care over the past few years – but our work isn’t done yet.

Right now, we’re pushing hard for Portable Long Service Leave for aged care workers, and soon we’ll be launching a campaign for Reproductive Health Leave for everyone. We’ll keep you updated when we visit your workplace – and remember – your involvement is key to winning these fights!

To say thank you, we’ll also be running a special prize giveaway for HACSU members during the week.
From 8 – 14 September, look out for us at your worksite and remember to grab a chocolate from a HACSU organiser. If you find any of these tickets inside the wrapper, you’ve won one of the following exciting prizes*:

• Gold – $600 in your choice of Coles or Woolworths gift cards
• Silver – $300 in your choice of Coles or Woolworths cards
• Bronze – $150 in your choice of Coles or Woolworths cards
• $50 ticket – an on-the-spot $50 gift card 

We’ll do our best to visit every worksite and catch as many shifts as we can, but if we miss you, you can still join a $300 second chance draw online (look out for our flyers at your workplace). 

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our older loved ones. Let’s keep pushing together to make aged care better for everyone.

*Terms & Conditions: 1. This competition is open only to financial members of HACSU employed in the aged care sector. 2. All prizes shall be given as gift cards. Gift cards shall be the winner’s choice of Woolworths or Coles Myer & are not redeemable for cash. 3. The prizes are as follows: Gold: $600, Silver: $300, Bronze: $150, $50 Prize: $50, Second chance draw: $300. 4. Winners’ images may be used by HACSU for promotional purposes. 5. HACSU employees, officials and their immediate family members are ineligible to enter. 6. Second chance draw will be randomly drawn by an elected official or their nominee on Friday 27 September 2024.