HACSU WIN: The Hobart Clinic agreement voted up

Posted on 12 June, 2024 in Health Services Industry   

We were told by the Clinic’s bargaining representative that your new enterprise agreement has been approved by a majority of staff. 88% of staff at the Clinic voted in favour of the new agreement – well done for getting through a hard-fought campaign!

You all deserve an immense amount of credit for sticking together and showing strength in the face of outrageous behaviour from your CEO. Together, you have voted to take industrial action twice, voted down two shoddy offers in resounding fashion, and wobble-boarded and stood your ground even when your employer took legal action against you.

Throughout your campaign, we have also been incredibly heartened to see the community come out in support of your fight. Whether it’s the hundreds of people who have signed petitions in support of your campaign or past and current patients speaking to the media about the amazing work that you do – we know without a shadow of a doubt that Tasmanians back you.

Your efforts have achieved:

- Significant pay rises for most staff, including Enrolled Nurses who will receive a minimum of a 15.9% pay rise in the first year of the agreement (cha ching!). Level 1 RNs will receive a minimum pay increase of 5.3% in the first year
- 200% shift penalties on a Sunday, meaning that THC will now be one of two employers across the state who offer this condition to nurses
- Increases to primary caregiver leave now at 18 weeks
- The introduction of special maternity leave for instances miscarriage
- 20 paid days of family and domestic violence leave
- Paid gender affirmation leave
- Increases to Christmas day penalties which will now be paid at 250%

While we need to celebrate the wins you have achieved, we are also not blind to the fact that this agreement is less beneficial than we had hoped for Level 2 RNs. This is why we will continue to fight hard together leading into your next round of agreement negotiations so that we can achieve the best outcomes for all nurses at the Clinic.

We are keen to hold a community event in the coming weeks to celebrate your fight. We’ll keep you posted on the details, but for now, take the time to be proud of your achievements as members of this mighty, mighty union.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email [email protected] or complete our online contact form

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