Our campaign archive

Fighting for your rights and advocating for positive change

Below is a list of previous campaigns that HACSU has run. These campaigns are designed by us to highlight critical issues in the health sector, hold private and public institutions to account, and to advocate for improved working rights and conditions.

Whilst the majority of our campaigns are of our own initiative in collaboration with our members and stakeholders, there are some times where we work with our parent body the Health Services Union to make widespread nationwide change and reform.

Most campaigns are aligned with a petition to be presented to the relevant body, whether they be an institution or government.

Read through our archive of work for the common good, and click on the campaign thumbnail to see more about each individual campaign and what it looked like at the time it was running.

Thank you to our public sector workers

30 June 2024 to 6 July 2024

The 2024 edition of our annual week long celebration of workers in the public health sector. The campaign featured HACSU organisers out greeting and personally thanking members and non-members alike, as well as a prize giveaway.

The Hobart Clinic's mental health nurses deserve better

November 2023 - June 2024

A campaign that targeted the Hobart Clinic's offer of a paltry pay rise to critical mental health nurses which undervalued them and their hard work.

The campaign forced the hand of the Hobart Clinic, and whilst the resulting agreement did not meet all demands, it did lead to a positive resolution for nurses and an increase in pay and entitlements.

North West hospital cleaners deserve equal pay for equal work

May 2024

An awareness campaign highlighting the poor entitlements and general lack of acknowledgement cleaners in the state's north west faced compared to their colleagues elsewhere.

The campaign happily led to north west cleaners being moved in-line with statewide market allowances.

25% for All

December 2023

A campaign advocating for a 25% pay rise for all aged care workers.

Fix ramping now

November 2023

A campaign centred around industrial action taken by our hard working ambulance members due to the ridiculous ramping problems found throughout Tasmania because of State Government policies.

Value our food service workers

March 2023

A campaign highlighting industrial action taken by food service workers at the Launceston General Hospital, where unfair roster changes caused many of them to lose nearly $600 pay a fortnight.

It's time to fix the radiation therapy crisis

February 2023

A campaign highlighting the severe shortage of specialised radiation therapists, particularly in the state's North West, where cancer patients have been unnecessarily placed onto a waiting list.

Patients before profits

December 2022

This campaign highlighted and targeted the insulting offer made by Healthscope to the hardworking health professionals who had supported the company through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Southern Cross Care: Stop the cuts if you care

December 2022

A campaign targeting the disastrous cuts being made at Southern Cross Care. Pressure from HACSU, residents, families and community members led to reversal of the staffing cuts.

It's time to value allied health professionals

June 2022

A campaign designed to highlight the incredible work that allied health professionals do each day, as well as a call for the State Government to improve wages and conditions to attract more allied health professionals to Tasmanian shores.