Our Current Working Campaigns

See what we are up to

A big part of the work that we do here at HACSU and the broader Health Services Union is advocating for improved working rights and conditions, advocating for possible change and - when the burden on our members is too great - industrial action.

These campaigns are run in collaboration with our members and other stakeholders. We shine the light on poor government policy and overreach from institutions, making sure that health workers across the state are getting what they deserve and that the overall health system is as good as it can be.

Most of our campaigns are tied to a petition to be presented to government or the relevant institution, and the help of the general public that we have received in the past is greatly appreciated.

Read below through our current, ongoing campaigns, and click the campaign image to see more detail about that particular one. We also have an archive of our previous campaigns, of which you can find here.

Thank You for Working in Aged Care

8 September 2024 - 14 September 2024

The 2024 edition of HACSU's annual celebration of workers in our aged care sector. This campaign features HACSU organisers meeting saying thanks to some of Tasmania's most cherished and hardest working individuals right across the aged care sector.

Reproductive Health Leave

September 2024 - Ongoing

A HSU National campaign advocating for a reproductive health leave policy to be enacted that will guarantee a minimum of 12 days paid leave for reproductive health issues to be made available to all workers.

Value Frontline Child Safety Workers

August 2024 - Ongoing

Frontline child safety workers said "enough" in August, taking industrial action against State Government policy that has placed them under excessive workloads and put some of the most vulnerable in our community at unnecessary risk.

Medical imaging: We're not invisible

June 2024 - Ongoing

Medical imaging workers took industrial action to protest the government's inaction on implementing a market allowance to attract and retain medical imaging professionals.

The poor policy by the State Government meant that there are simply not enough staff to run diagnostic tests, putting patients unnecessarily at risk.

Pathology: The Lifeblood of Healthcare

June 2024 - Ongoing

A campaign to highlight growing strain placed on pathologists at the Launceston General Hospital, who have been forced to absorb a 20% increase to their workload without any further assistance or boosted staffing numbers to cater for demand.

Portable long service leave for Tasmanian workers

May 2024 - Ongoing

A campaign highlighting the need for a portable long service leave scheme for Tasmanian workers. Currently, portable long service leave is applied unequally across Tasmanian industrial sectors.

Support disability support workers

March 2024 - Ongoing

A national Health Services Union initiative calling for better working conditions and entitlements for our cherished NDIS workers, who are often burnt out due to overworking stress or leaving the sector due to the poor working conditions and low wages.